Saturday, 10 October 2015

HyPEr PigMENTation


“Hyper” means “Excess” and “Pigmentation” means the “Dark colour of skin”.  Hyper-pigmentation can occur as dark patches, dark spots, freckles, dark circles, acne marks, sun tanning, etc., giving skin a dull and uneven complexion.Hyper-pigmentation is often associated with open pores, acne, and rough patchy skin texture.

1. Lemon

Lemon contains citric acid that helps bleach the skin, making it a popular home treatment for hyperpigmentation. This natural bleaching agent can effectively fade dark blemishes on your skin.

Extract fresh lemon juice and rub it on the skin using a cotton ball. Leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash it off with water. Follow this remedy twice daily for a few months until you notice improvement.
Alternatively, you can prepare a facial mask with equal amounts of lemon juice and raw honey. Mix the ingredients well and then apply it to the affected skin. Cover the skin with a warm towel for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do this once a week for a few months.
Note: Those who have sensitive skin must dilute the lemon juice with a little water before using it.

2.  Turmeric
Turmeric has bleaching properties that can help get rid of the symptoms of hyperpigmented skin. Plus, turmeric can keep the skin free of infection.

Mix one teaspoon each of turmeric powder and lemon juice. Apply it on the affected area. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. Avoid going out in the sun for an hour after following this treatment. Do this once daily before showering to maximize results.
Alternatively, you can make a paste by mixing five tablespoons of turmeric powder with 10 tablespoons of milk. Apply this paste on the affected skin and gently massage for five minutes. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

3. Castor Oil

The use of castor oil is a very powerful home remedy against hyper-pigmentation of the skin. Castor oil is an anti-inflammatory product that reduces acne hyper pigmentation.This is because; its antiseptic property fights back all the acne causing bacteria and viruses. It reduces inflammation; and thus, the increased melanin production and accumulation stops. However, it should be applied by pregnant women only upon the recommendation of doctors.

4. Strawberries And Oranges: 

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a very essential skin nourishing agent that gently exfoliates the skin. It has the properties of an astringent that specializes in removing dead skin cells. It also brightens the skin, since it works like a natural concealer against blemishes and dark spots. Oranges are also natural cleansers that hydrate the skin. On the other hand, strawberries are used to treat hyper-pigmentation caused due to skin allergies. They offer mint coolness to the skin. The normal PH level of the skin is restored. They work like natural bleaching agents that not only lighten the skin, but also remove all the uneven patches.

Orange juice and strawberry juice are equally beneficial when they are ingested. They dissolve toxins and reduce the acidic level of the stomach. Since they contain water alongside vitamins and minerals, they are very beneficial for the skin in either ways (when applied as masks or when consumed as juices).

5. Almond & Honey: 

Almond oil has been an integral part of traditional and ancient medicines.

Grind the Almond & mix it with 1 tsp of Honey.. Make a Paste & apply it on your face. Keep it for atleast 15-20 mins of time.. 

Products: For Eg: 


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