Friday, 23 October 2015

HAiR fALL Treatment

Hair fall is one of the most common problems we face today. What is also common is our lack of knowledge about the wonderful and simple ways through which we can treat the condition.

In this post, we talk about some of the best home remedies you can use to get rid of the problem. And in addition to those, there are certain other tips that can help you say good bye to hair loss – once and for all!

Causes Of Hair Fall

Hair fall can be caused by a number of factors. These include:

Physical or emotional stress
Hormonal changes
Deficiency of vitamin B6 and folic acid
Thyroid diseases

1, Aloe Vera:

What You Need

A leaf (or even a stalk) of the Aloe Vera plant
What You Need To Do

This is the traditional way of using Aloe Vera for treating hair growth. Extract the pulp content from the leaf or stalk and rub into your hair.
Ensure your hair is already washed before you do this.
Massage the pulp into your scalp in circular motions.
Leave it undisturbed for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
When You Need To Do This

Repeat the process thrice a week, ideally in the morning after you have taken a head bath.

Why This Works

Aloe Vera plays a crucial role in balancing the pH levels of the scalp and hair. It penetrates the scalp and hair, thereby promoting hair growth 


The yellow-colored sap of the Aloe Vera plant contains toxins, and can irritate the skin if you are latex-intolerant. You can ideally boil the plant (which converts the toxins to natural salicylic acid, which is harmless to the skin) before extracting the pulp content.

2. Neem (Indian Lilac):

What You Need

Dry neem leaves, about 10 – 12
A vessel containing water
What You Need To Do

Boil the neem leaves in the water till the water level comes down to half its quantity.
Wait for the mixture to cool.
Rinse your hair with this mixture.
When You Need To Do This

You can use this remedy as a last rinse after shampooing your hair. It can ideally be done once every week.

Why This Works

Neem has excellent antibacterial properties that help you get rid of dandruff. This ensures the scalp is healthy, and promotes hair growth . It also stimulates blood flow to the skin, thereby nourishing the hair roots.

Neem is even found to eliminate head lice and nits (5).


Using neem for hair (especially in the case of dandruff) can cause your eyes to burn. So, be careful while washing off the neem water and ensure it doesn’t get into your eyes.

3. Amla (Indian Gooseberry):

What You Need

Indian gooseberries, 4 -5
Virgin coconut oil, 1 cup
What You Need To Do

Boil the dried Indian gooseberries in coconut oil till the oil turns black.
Wait for it to cool, and then massage your scalp with this oil.
Leave it undisturbed for about 20 minutes, and then shampoo as usual.
[ Read : Remedies To Treat Grey Hair Using Amla ]

When You Need To Do This

In the morning before taking bath. You can follow this twice every week.

Why This Works

Amla is rich in vitamin C, a nutrient essential for the growth and strengthening of hair. Vitamin C also helps build collagen, which is vital for hair growth. Apart from this, vitamin C also helps absorb iron, thereby keeping your locks strong and healthy.

Amla also helps thicken each individual hair strand

4. Greek Yogurt:

What You Need

Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons
Honey, ½ a tablespoon (or a few drops)
1 lemon
What You Need To Do

Take the two tablespoons of Greek yogurt in a bowl. To this, add honey and the lemon juice extracted from the lemon.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly and make a paste.
Using a hair dye brush, apply this pack to the scalp and hair roots.
Leave it undisturbed for about 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with cold water.
When You Need To Do This

Follow this procedure before bath. Ideally use this pack once a week. If you have dry hair, then use the pack twice a week.

Why This Works

Greek yogurt acts as a natural conditioner for hair. It contains vitamin B5 and proteins that are extremely beneficial for hair. Honey contains antibacterial properties that protect hair from damage .

Greek yogurt contains probiotics, which, according to studies, make the hair glow 

5. Methi (Fenugreek):

What You Need

Fenugreek seeds, 1 cup
What You Need To Do

Soak the cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
The next morning, grind the seeds and make a paste. Ensure the paste is thoroughly ground and spreadable.
Apply this paste to your hair, from the root to tip, and cover with a shower cap.
Leave your hair undisturbed for about 40 minutes, and then rinse using cold water.
When You Need To Do This

Every morning before bath. Follow this for a month.

Don't wait, get free advice to treat hairfall now.
Why This Works

Fenugreek seeds enhance hair growth and help in the rebuilding of the hair follicles. They also make hair shiny, strong, and long.

6. Onion Juice:

What You Need

1 onion
A cotton ball
What You Need To Do

Grate the onion and extract its juice.
Dip the cotton ball into the juice, and apply it directly to your scalp, ensuring the hair strands are covered from the root to the tip.
Leave your hair undisturbed for about 30 minutes, after which you can rinse with cold water.
Shampoo as usual.
When You Need To Do This

In the morning, before taking bath. Repeat the remedy 2 to 3 times a week for about a month.

Why This Works

Onion has antibacterial properties (12), which can eliminate the bacteria that can cause scalp infections. It also has a high sulfur content, which improves the blood circulation to the hair follicles and encourages hair growth. Sulfur is also known to treat infected hair follicles (13).


Be careful while applying the juice to your hair. If the juice gets into your eyes, thoroughly wash them right away with cold water. Though not harmful to your eyes, onion juice can cause a burning sensation and extreme discomfort.

7. Chinese Hibiscus:

What You Need

Chinese hibiscus flowers, 10
Virgin coconut oil, 2 cups
What You Need To Do

Add the Chinese hibiscus flowers to the coconut oil and heat the mixture.
When the flowers are charred, strain the mixture and collect the oil.
Apply this oil every night and wash your hair thoroughly the next morning.
When You Need To Do This

In the night, before going to bed. You can follow this remedy 2 – 3 times every week for about a month


Why This Works

Chinese hibiscus contains vitamin C, phosphorous, and riboflavin, the essential nutrients for smooth and strong hair. The flower also contributes to toxin elimination and promotes circulation, thereby enhancing hair growth

You can skip shampoo for a day, but make sure that doesn’t become a habit. Not washing your hair for days together can lead to the accumulation of dirt, oil, and product residue that can clog the pores in your scalp.
On the other hand, washing your hair too often (washing every day) might remove the essential oils your scalp needs. The best you can do is wash your hair every two days, more so if you are prone to excessive sweating and use many hair products. Use a sulfate-free shampoo to prevent excessive dryness.

Hair fall might be a serious problem; but like most serious problems out there, it can be prevented and treated with simple home remedies. Follow what we have told, and you will never have to worry about hair loss again!

Products: For Eg: 

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