Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Almost every morning I wake up, stagger to the bathroom and stare in the mirror at some seriously tired, puffy eyes. Not a great way to start the day! If your undereye bags are dragging you down, give them a wake-up call with these simple, natural remedies.


Eye puffiness is most often caused by under eye water retention, either excess water or a buildup of lymphatic fluid. Irritation and redness could be caused by rubbing, allergic reactions to makeup or something in our environments (allergies, pets, etc.)



Get gravity on your side by sleeping with your head elevated to prevent excess fluid buildup.


Change your pillow case and wash your pillow often to reduce allergens. If your eyes are itchy, try not to rub them and take an antihistamine to help curb any redness or itchiness.


Cut down on salt during the day and before bed. Extra salt = water retention. Drink plenty of water to keep your system flushed as this can also help prevent eye puffiness.



Cucumbers have been used for years and years as a home remedy for puffy eyes. You’ve seen it, but maybe you’ve wondered why it works. Cucumbers contain antioxidants and flavonoids that help with redness, swelling and irritation. Use cool cucumber for extra puffy eye relief. Place a cool slice on each eye and take a rest for 30 minutes. Afterward you’ll feel nice and refreshed.


Try using sliced potatoes in place of cucumbers. They stay cool longer and contain an astringent that helps remove the water from under the eyes. You can also make a finely ground potato poultice by grating raw potato and placing it in a few layers of cheesecloth. Lay over the eyes and reap the benefits.


Whole milk is most commonly used, but soy milk works too. Dip a cotton ball into cold milk and squeeze off the excess. Place on eyes to help shrink the under-eye tissue.


Tea bags are another popular home remedy. Green and black teas contain caffeine which constrict the tiny blood vessels in the skin around the eyes. Caffeinated tea also contains tannins which stimulate blood circulation. To make it work, place two tea bags in a mug of hot water. Remove and let the tea bags cool to room temperature and place on eyes for 15-30 minutes. Doing this once or twice a week can help tighten the skin under the eyes, as well as provide soothing benefits.


Beat up an egg white and apply it with a brush or your fingers under the eyes. As it dries, it will tighten and tone the skin. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes then gently rinse. It can also stimulate circulation and reduce inflammation.


It’s not just for burns! Aloe contains 18 essential amino acids and has numerous antibacterial, anti fungal and other healing properties. It can help soothe tired eyes by moisturizing the skin and providing relief. It might also help prevent wrinkles.


Rosewater contains vitamin C and A, as well as flavonoids. It is a natural astringent with anti-inflammatory properties. It is also incredibly rejuvenating and refreshing.

Simmer rose petals in just enough distilled water to cover them. When the petals have lost their color, strain the liquid and let it cool. Pour into a jar or bottle. Saturate a cotton ball with the rosewater and dab under eyes to reduce dark circles and refresh the skin.


Refresh your face with a cool water wash first thing in the morning. If your eyes feel extra puffy, dip a washcloth in cold water, squeeze out excess and lay over eyes. The cold water works as a vasocontrictor to restrict blood flow to the area, which in turns reduced redness and swelling.


Water is the saving grace when it comes to reducing eye puffiness. Be sure you drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, and don't substitute sodas, coffees, or sugary drinks. When the body is dehydrated, it acts much like a camel, storing water for the long haul across the desert. Instead of a camel's hump, you'll develop water reserves around the eyeballs. By keeping yourself adequately hydrated, the body isn't put into survival mode and won't puff up in all the wrong places. 

Monday, 26 October 2015

Remedy for Dark Circle

Dark circles under the eyes (periorbital dark circles or periorbital puffiness) can be a big worry for the beauty-conscious as well as for normal people. These circles or bags take away the freshness of the face and leave the person looking pale, ill, even old.

Dark-colored semicircles under the eyes, or shadowed grooves called “tear tracks,” may give the impression of age or ill health. But this impression may be incorrect; appearance is not necessarily reality.

Causes of Dark Circles

1. Thin skin under the eyes
2. Extra melanin (dark pigment) in the skin around the eyes
3. Smoking
4. Stress
5. Lack of Sleep
6. Alcohol

Home Remedies for Dark Circles

There are many things you can do to eliminate dark circles under your eyes and keep them from coming back.

1. To reduce puffiness, a temporary cause of dark circles, change your sleeping habits. Sleep on your back, elevating your head with one or more pillows. Gravity lets fluid buildup drain away.
Sleep well (doctors advise at least eight hours sleep daily) to have a fresh and circle-free face. Lots of sleep means less stress and thus less puffiness.

2.  Control allergies and the puffiness they cause. Take proper medication for allergies to airborne materials like flour or smoke. If you have dust allergies, make your bedroom as dust-free as possible: use bare floors, put dust covers on mattress and pillows, and remove or cover upholstered furniture, clothes, books, and papers.

3.  Remove all eye make-up, like eyeliner and mascara, before going to sleep. Anything that irritates eyes can leave them watery and puffy. Use a Neti-Pot to rinse the nasal passages, to relieve sinus infections and hay fever that cause puffiness under the eyes.

4.  Daily exercise circulates blood throughout the body and the face, reducing puffiness. Concentrate on yoga too, which stimulates your breathing, leaving fresh skin.

5. To eradicate morning puffiness and bluish color, apply something that cools the skin and the capillaries beneath it, reducing swelling and making the blood vessels less visible. Apply cucumber or potato slices, chilled spoons, or bags of ice water to the area around the eye for up to an hour and a half.

6.  Include plenty of green vegetables, fruits, and vitamins in your diet. Eat seasonal fruit like bananas, mangoes, and oranges, along with vegetables like spinach, greens, carrots, and brinjals (eggplant).
Include plenty of iron in your diet, from whole grains, legumes, eggs, or iron supplements.

7.  Reduce salt in your diet to reduce puffiness.
Arrange your life to reduce stress. Stress releases cortisol, which causes increased blood volume and puffiness, and has other undesired effects.

8. To keep looking young years longer, protect your face and eyes from the sun. Ultraviolet light from the sun destroys protein in the skin. Use sunscreen and a hat when you go out 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Turn Grey Hair into Black Hair

Each one of us want to stay young forever, but no one can stop the flow of time. The greying of hair is the most evident signs of aging. Hair greying is a natural process, and appearance of grey hair from mid-40s is normal. But it turns into a nightmare, especially for women when they find a strand of grey or white hair peeping from amidst the black ones as early as in their 20s or 30s. Hair turns grey when the body stops producing the pigment melanin that is responsible for the dark color of hair. In most cases, this occurs due to lack of nourishment and a well-balanced diet. 

Causes of Greying of Hair

The causes of hair greying are several. Here we have listed out a few common causes.

1) Heredity is a major reason for hair greying
2) Excessive use of tobacco and smoking
3) Chronic emotional stress or psychological worries
4) Lack of nutrients such as vitamins, iron, copper and iodine in the diet
5) Medical conditions such as anemia, hypothyroidism, tuberous sclerosis.

1. Amla and Fenugreek Pack

Amla or Indian gooseberry is one of the most effective home remedies for grey hair and has been used since ancient times in Ayurveda for treating all kinds of hair problems. Being a rich source of antioxidant vitamin C, it has amazing anti-aging properties and helps in preventing premature greying of hair. It also promotes hair growth and improves hair health. Fenugreek or methi is a common kitchen spice, but it is loaded with nutrients such as vitamin C, Iron, potassium, lysine, L-tryptophan and alkaloids that have amazing benefits for hair and skin. It prevents premature greying, treats follicular problems to prevent hair fall, promotes hair growth and prevents scalp dryness as well as dandruff. 


Dried Amla – 5 to 6 pieces

Fenugreek – 1 Tablespoon

Coconut Oil – ½ Cup

Turn the fenugreek seeds to a smooth powder and keep aside. Heat the oil and add the amla pieces to it, let it boil for 5 to 6 minutes, add the fenugreek powder to the oil, let it boil for another minute and remove from flame. Let it cool and strain the oil, apply on scalp and hair before going to bed. Wash off with a mild herbal shampoo in the morning.

2. Lemon Juice and Almond Oil Massage

Being a rich source of antioxidant vitamin E, almond oil acts a natural remedy for treating wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Almond oil is extremely beneficial for hair as well. Massaging scalp and hair with almond oil prevents premature greying of hair. It nourishes the roots of the hair, improves elasticity and prevents split ends. It treats dandruff and adds a healthy glow to hair. Lemon is a rich source of vitamins B, C and phosphorus that promotes hair growth by supplying nourishment to the hair roots. It adds volume and shine to the hair strands.


Almond Oil – 2 Tablespoon

Lemon Juice – 3 Tablespoon

Mix almond oil and lemon juice in a glass bowl and apply thoroughly on scalp and hair, Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo.

3. Black Tea Massage

The benefits of black tea for cancer prevention and improving cardiovascular health are well known. But it also has great benefits for skin and hair. Loaded with antioxidants and caffeine, black tea stimulates hair growth and improves strength and elasticity of the hair strands to prevent brittleness and breakage of hair. It adds a natural dark hue to hair and adds a natural shine to it.


Black Tea Powder – 2 tablespoons

Salt – 1 Teaspoon

Boil 2 tablespoons of black tea and 1 teaspoon of salt in water for 2 minutes and remove from flame. Let it cool and strain the liquid. Wash your hair with this liquid and let it dry, don’t rinse with shampoo. Repeat it 2 to 3 times per week for best results.

4. Onion Paste

Onion may burn your eyes but you can use the paste to treat white hair. All you would need to do rub it on your scalp and let it dry some. Your grey/white hair will turn black in few days. However use this remedy on a daily basis to get desired results.If you do it once in a week, you will see no progress. Make sure that you do it everyday! You would need to peel off the onion skin and grind the onions. Apply the paste on your scalp and let it be for a while. Wash it off after 30 minutes or so. You can shampoo your hair too because onion leaves an unpleasant smell. 

5. Carrot Juice

Carrot juice is healthy as well as tasty. If you want to prevent and cure white hair then drink a glass of carrot juice on a daily basis. Your hair will not turn white and you will get rid of the problem too. It also helps in keeping your hair healthy and strong.You can make fresh carrot juice at home as well. Do not apply it on your hair because this works best when you consume it. Drinking carrot juice can be very health for your overall health as well. So, drink lots of carrot juice because it will not hurt you at all! 

Products: For Eg: 


Friday, 23 October 2015

HAiR fALL Treatment

Hair fall is one of the most common problems we face today. What is also common is our lack of knowledge about the wonderful and simple ways through which we can treat the condition.

In this post, we talk about some of the best home remedies you can use to get rid of the problem. And in addition to those, there are certain other tips that can help you say good bye to hair loss – once and for all!

Causes Of Hair Fall

Hair fall can be caused by a number of factors. These include:

Physical or emotional stress
Hormonal changes
Deficiency of vitamin B6 and folic acid
Thyroid diseases

1, Aloe Vera:

What You Need

A leaf (or even a stalk) of the Aloe Vera plant
What You Need To Do

This is the traditional way of using Aloe Vera for treating hair growth. Extract the pulp content from the leaf or stalk and rub into your hair.
Ensure your hair is already washed before you do this.
Massage the pulp into your scalp in circular motions.
Leave it undisturbed for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
When You Need To Do This

Repeat the process thrice a week, ideally in the morning after you have taken a head bath.

Why This Works

Aloe Vera plays a crucial role in balancing the pH levels of the scalp and hair. It penetrates the scalp and hair, thereby promoting hair growth 


The yellow-colored sap of the Aloe Vera plant contains toxins, and can irritate the skin if you are latex-intolerant. You can ideally boil the plant (which converts the toxins to natural salicylic acid, which is harmless to the skin) before extracting the pulp content.

2. Neem (Indian Lilac):

What You Need

Dry neem leaves, about 10 – 12
A vessel containing water
What You Need To Do

Boil the neem leaves in the water till the water level comes down to half its quantity.
Wait for the mixture to cool.
Rinse your hair with this mixture.
When You Need To Do This

You can use this remedy as a last rinse after shampooing your hair. It can ideally be done once every week.

Why This Works

Neem has excellent antibacterial properties that help you get rid of dandruff. This ensures the scalp is healthy, and promotes hair growth . It also stimulates blood flow to the skin, thereby nourishing the hair roots.

Neem is even found to eliminate head lice and nits (5).


Using neem for hair (especially in the case of dandruff) can cause your eyes to burn. So, be careful while washing off the neem water and ensure it doesn’t get into your eyes.

3. Amla (Indian Gooseberry):

What You Need

Indian gooseberries, 4 -5
Virgin coconut oil, 1 cup
What You Need To Do

Boil the dried Indian gooseberries in coconut oil till the oil turns black.
Wait for it to cool, and then massage your scalp with this oil.
Leave it undisturbed for about 20 minutes, and then shampoo as usual.
[ Read : Remedies To Treat Grey Hair Using Amla ]

When You Need To Do This

In the morning before taking bath. You can follow this twice every week.

Why This Works

Amla is rich in vitamin C, a nutrient essential for the growth and strengthening of hair. Vitamin C also helps build collagen, which is vital for hair growth. Apart from this, vitamin C also helps absorb iron, thereby keeping your locks strong and healthy.

Amla also helps thicken each individual hair strand

4. Greek Yogurt:

What You Need

Greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons
Honey, ½ a tablespoon (or a few drops)
1 lemon
What You Need To Do

Take the two tablespoons of Greek yogurt in a bowl. To this, add honey and the lemon juice extracted from the lemon.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly and make a paste.
Using a hair dye brush, apply this pack to the scalp and hair roots.
Leave it undisturbed for about 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with cold water.
When You Need To Do This

Follow this procedure before bath. Ideally use this pack once a week. If you have dry hair, then use the pack twice a week.

Why This Works

Greek yogurt acts as a natural conditioner for hair. It contains vitamin B5 and proteins that are extremely beneficial for hair. Honey contains antibacterial properties that protect hair from damage .

Greek yogurt contains probiotics, which, according to studies, make the hair glow 

5. Methi (Fenugreek):

What You Need

Fenugreek seeds, 1 cup
What You Need To Do

Soak the cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
The next morning, grind the seeds and make a paste. Ensure the paste is thoroughly ground and spreadable.
Apply this paste to your hair, from the root to tip, and cover with a shower cap.
Leave your hair undisturbed for about 40 minutes, and then rinse using cold water.
When You Need To Do This

Every morning before bath. Follow this for a month.

Don't wait, get free advice to treat hairfall now.
Why This Works

Fenugreek seeds enhance hair growth and help in the rebuilding of the hair follicles. They also make hair shiny, strong, and long.

6. Onion Juice:

What You Need

1 onion
A cotton ball
What You Need To Do

Grate the onion and extract its juice.
Dip the cotton ball into the juice, and apply it directly to your scalp, ensuring the hair strands are covered from the root to the tip.
Leave your hair undisturbed for about 30 minutes, after which you can rinse with cold water.
Shampoo as usual.
When You Need To Do This

In the morning, before taking bath. Repeat the remedy 2 to 3 times a week for about a month.

Why This Works

Onion has antibacterial properties (12), which can eliminate the bacteria that can cause scalp infections. It also has a high sulfur content, which improves the blood circulation to the hair follicles and encourages hair growth. Sulfur is also known to treat infected hair follicles (13).


Be careful while applying the juice to your hair. If the juice gets into your eyes, thoroughly wash them right away with cold water. Though not harmful to your eyes, onion juice can cause a burning sensation and extreme discomfort.

7. Chinese Hibiscus:

What You Need

Chinese hibiscus flowers, 10
Virgin coconut oil, 2 cups
What You Need To Do

Add the Chinese hibiscus flowers to the coconut oil and heat the mixture.
When the flowers are charred, strain the mixture and collect the oil.
Apply this oil every night and wash your hair thoroughly the next morning.
When You Need To Do This

In the night, before going to bed. You can follow this remedy 2 – 3 times every week for about a month


Why This Works

Chinese hibiscus contains vitamin C, phosphorous, and riboflavin, the essential nutrients for smooth and strong hair. The flower also contributes to toxin elimination and promotes circulation, thereby enhancing hair growth

You can skip shampoo for a day, but make sure that doesn’t become a habit. Not washing your hair for days together can lead to the accumulation of dirt, oil, and product residue that can clog the pores in your scalp.
On the other hand, washing your hair too often (washing every day) might remove the essential oils your scalp needs. The best you can do is wash your hair every two days, more so if you are prone to excessive sweating and use many hair products. Use a sulfate-free shampoo to prevent excessive dryness.

Hair fall might be a serious problem; but like most serious problems out there, it can be prevented and treated with simple home remedies. Follow what we have told, and you will never have to worry about hair loss again!

Products: For Eg: 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Rid of HAiR SPlIT EnDS

Home hair treatments for split ends can be a great help, because they don't cost you an arm and a leg. More often than not, in fact, you'll find that you have the ingredients in your pantry or cabinets right now! I'm rather vain about my hair so I always turn to home hair treatments for split ends – not only to save some cash, but also because I don't want my stylist to stand there tut-tutting over the status of my hair. No thanks! If you want to take care of your lovely locks yourself as well, just try some of these awesome home hair treatments for split ends that work 100%!

1. Egg Shampoos

One home hair treatment for #split ends is a simple egg shampoo. For this treatment, all you need is an ounce of rosemary, preferably fresh, a pint of hot water, and one egg. What you want to do is steep your rosemary in the hot water for about 20 minutes, then let it cool. Once it's cooled down, beat your egg into it, then massage the mix into your #hair and rinse, just as you would with a regular shampoo.

2. Papaya Hair Pack

For this pack, obviously, you need a papaya, a very ripe one. You'll only be using half of it, so pick one that's sizable enough for your hair. For instance, if your hair is really long or really thick, you'll need a larger fruit. Once it's halved, get rid of the #skin and the seeds, then blend it until it's pulpy. At that point, add in half a cup of plain yogurt and mix again. That's all you need to do! Once it's mixed, massage it into your #hair, parting it carefully, and let it stay on for 30 minutes or so, then rinse it out.

3. Castor Oil Conditioning:

Castor oil is extremely helpful in a number of ways, but when you use it in a home hair treatment for #split ends, at least you don't have to drink the vile stuff! Rather, just mix equal amounts of #castor oil, mustard oil, and olive oil – again, the amount you mix depends on the length and thickness of your hair. All you have to do is apply the mix into your #hair, then wrap it up in a towel and let it set for 30 minutes. You definitely want to shampoo when you wash it out!

4. The Honey Trick:

Honey is great as a home hair treatment for #split ends, especially when you mix it with curd. All you need is a half cup of curd and a tablespoon of honey, which you mix together well. Massage it into your hair, paying particular #attention to the ends, and let it remain there for 20 minutes. When you rinse, just use water. This method will give your #hair a gorgeous sheen!

5. Beer Rinse:

Beer is actually really good for your #hair, and this particular treatment is simplicity itself! All you need to do is massage some beer into your hair, then give it #time to soak in thoroughly. After that, simply rinse! The only bad thing is the lingering scent of #beer, but hey, that's what spritzes are for, right?

6. Avocado:

If you eat a lot of #avocado, you may have noticed that your hair and skin get extremely soft. The oil in avocado makes it an ideal hair and #skin treatment – but right now, we're focusing on the former! All you have to do is mash up an avocado and, after getting your hair a bit damp, massage the fruit into your #hair. Make sure you get your #split ends coated. Let it set for anywhere between 15 minutes and half an hour, then rinse it out. You can add a tablespoon of olive oil for some extra sheen, if you like.

7. Olive Oil:

Olive oil makes an effective home hair treatment for #split ends all by itself! All you do is warm enough olive oil to cover your hair, then massage it into those pretty but dry tresses. Wrap your #hair in a towel or cover it with a shower cap, and find something to do for half an hour – then shampoo!

8. Coconut Oil:

My favorite thing to put on my hair to get rid of those wretched #split ends is coconut oil! I use an extra virgin, organic #coconut oil that you can find online at a great price. All you have to do is use about 2 tablespoons and apply it on your dry hair before showering. I rub it all throughout my hair while dry, and put more on the tips, letting them soak up the amazing oils that coconut contains. These rich fats are quickly absorbed into hair, and help to repair, strengthen, moisturize, and prevent tearing. All you have to do after applying it is pin your #hair up on top of your head, get in the shower, and the steam from the shower will intensify the oil's effects. Then, after you wash your body and #face, take down your hair, and shampoo and condition as normal.

Poducts: For Eg: 